Devoted to Rest

Portals of Awakening

Portal 3

Receiving and becoming.


I am already who I am trying to become.


To remember both the past and future of who you are.

Guiding Inquiry:
Who was I before the world told me who I was supposed to be?

Who am I becoming?

Before you begin your practice, consider a small shift, change, or something you want to call into being over the next two weeks connected to your intention, your why.

Then dedicate your devotion and rest practice to that.

Here’s your practice for the next two weeks. This practice is designed to support you in settling into yourself and the space you created over that last two weeks of releasing.

Receive Yourself Practice

Directions for Practice: DAILY. February 8-20, 2025. You can lay down to practice or practice in your favorite chair.

Time Duration: 12 minutes

Replay of Session Three:

Part 1 & Part 2

Receiving, remembering, becoming