Gather: Rest @ Work


Yes. This is the space to learn about how to rest at work with me. I could call this simply the rest at work page. Honestly, I almost did.

I’m not, though, because what I do with you and your team is more than the sum of the words “rest at work.”

We Gather.

“My colleague and I were able to invite Octavia to our university campus to facilitate a rest workshop for faculty and students. After a trying and traumatic semester, participating in restorative planning as well as rest and reflection sessions helped ground and uplift me. Octavia helped me get my life! I'm still a newbie, but creating a rest practice has been soul-shifting for me and my leadership. I'm so grateful.”

- Natasha N. Jones, PhD

Associate Professor in Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Michigan State University
President, Association of Teachers of Technical Writing (ATTW)

“As an organization, we have begun a new journey with Octavia.  She's given us the tools to practice rest, to create, to become whole.  She reminds us that rest is a necessary part of every evolution and revolution.  As we embrace the unique responsibility Pahara has to fulfill its mission to create transformative opportunities for leaders in America's education system, Octavia has walked alongside us- offering wisdom, respite, and invitation to practice rest.  We are profoundly different because of her presence with each of us and with our whole community.”

- Pahara CEO and Senior Leadership Team

In my first book, Gather, I courageously call  leaders to “invite in more ease” and remember who you truly are and whose you are.

To remember your essence and why.

In The Art of Gathering, facilitator, strategic advisor, and author Priya Parker asserts that “the first step in convening people meaningfully: committing to a bold, sharp purpose.”

My bold sharp purpose in gathering in the workplace is this.

To rest.

And this, too. Invite in more ease.

When teams rest together, they work better together.

Your leadership and team are:

  • Grounded. Grounded in integrity, rooted in legacy, and cultivate liberation in practice.

  • Well. Well  is more than a word to you. It’s strategic action & investment. It’s supported in policy and development or you plan on it being . I can help with this!

  • One that honors the past, is focused on the present, and  boldly shaping the future.

  • Intentional, dynamic, and growing.

You all are currently:

  • Expanding your impact

  • Entering new territory, facing new challenges, and new possibilities

  • On the pulse of great change

  • In need of gathering, in other words in need of being “got together” (yes, this is southern speak)

  • Simultaneously inspired, activated, tired, and overstimulated. Many days all at once.

You want to:

  • Minimize burn out and workplace stress as you grow

  • Access creative solutions and clarity as you expand

  • Cultivate a system of support for teams that lead to more easeful and effective work flow

  • Maximize individual and collective possibility and power

  • Keep your vision and eyes on the prize of liberation

I’m here to gather you and your team into a space of real rest and purposeful awakening.

There are three ways we can rest at work together.

First, I want you to know you and your company or organization are never just a number to me.

In order to research, design, and deliver a custom rest based experience that meets your specific needs, I generally book 12 weeks in advance for single rest intensives or speaking engagements. To honor each one of my organizational relationships with real care and integrity I rest with four organizations in an extended capacity per year.



Personalized virtual rest and reflect experience, content creation, or speaking engagement. Includes preplanning support.

*Starting at

Schedule three months in advance. Complete this form to get started with a complimentary consultation to best determine how we can rest and work together.



Once a quarter, four 60-75 minute custom virtual rest and reflect experiences. Includes two planning support sessions and access to The Rest Portal.

Complete this form to get started to join the waiting list for 2025.


Starting at

Custom designed rest coaching program for company/organization. Includes leadership team support, rest retreat consulting, and more .

Complete this form to get started to join the waiting list for 2025.

“Octavia’s rest sessions have been transformational for me. Through her sessions, I was able to deepen my community with other Black women at my organization and prioritize all facets of my wellbeing. Having the space to intentionally focus on rest and meditation has changed how I construct my workday to better incorporate these moments.”

- Naomi Opaleye – Director, Learning & Improvement, KIPP Foundation

“Octavia Raheem's RESToration virtual Rest and Reflect session at Michigan State University was a femifested dream. It was a chance to bring and share Octavia's embodied wisdom, which I've had the pleasure of engaging with for nearly 3 years, to a broader audience of students, faculty, and staff at MSU. Early on, Octavia reminded us that we have "no performance to render"--a necessary antidote to the hustle+grind culture of academia. Instead, we all actively came "home to our breath." This event has helped to affirm the cultures of rest that I, and my colleagues in African American and African Studies at MSU, are committed to fostering.”

- Dr. LeConte Dill - Associate Professor of African American and African Studies
Michigan State University

Let’s talk about working resting together.

After that, I will be in touch within three business days to discuss the most well rested way forward for you and I.

Exhale. Rest is on the way.