Devoted to Rest

Portals of Awakening

Portal 4

Purpose & power


Your mantra is your “DO” word.


To live in your purpose and power, now.

Guiding Inquiry:
What do I vow to stay awake to?

Additional homework:
Take out one “to not do” habit and thought. I recommend you abstain from the habit and also replace the thought with your “do word” for 40 days.

Before you begin your practice, consider a true shift, change, or something you want to call into being over the next two weeks connected to your intention, your why.

Then dedicate your devotion and rest practice to that.

Here’s your practice for the next two weeks. This practice is designed amplify your ability to manifest your intentions.

Do word practice: Level 1

Directions for Practice: Five times a week for two weeks.

Time Duration: 12 minutes

Do word practice: Level 2

Directions for Practice: Two times a week for two weeks.

Time Duration: 35 minutes

Replay of Session Four:

Click here

Purpose & Power