Rest Is Sacred Portal
Welcome to The Rest Portal curated for you
by Octavia F. Raheem
This is a place to find refuge, remember your essence, and call in revelation.
Rest and know this: You are sacred. Rest is Sacred.
I recommend that you start with practice one and sequentially move through to practice four.
You can also start with just one of the practices, decide on a cadence of practice that both meets you where you are and challenges your idea of what is possible in terms of protecting space for rest. For you this may be: daily, one a week, monthly
Decide and then devote yourself to that one rest practice and then move on to the next one of your choice.
Rest is Sacred eBook
Welcome letter, excerpts from the book, & rest practices
Practice 1 | Rest is Sacred
I am sacred.
This practice supports you in maintaining awareness of your essence which is sacred.
Time Duration: 7 minutes
Journal / Free Write for 1-3 minutes after your rest practice.
Start here before moving on to the refuge practice.
Practice 2 | Rest is Refuge
I am held.
This practice is designed to be a sacred, safe, and protective place for you to rest and be held.
Time Duration: 17 minutes
Journal / Free Write for 1-3 minutes after your rest practice.
Do this practice before moving on to practice three.
Practice 3 | Rest is Remembrance
I remember who I am.
This practice is a restful journey to remember the most sacred, whole, and radiant aspect of who you are.
Time Duration: 21 minutes
Journal / Free Write for 1-3 minutes after your rest practice.
Complete this practice at least three times before moving on to revelation practice.
Practice 4 | Rest is Revelation
I am headed in the right direction.
This restorative conversation and extended rest practice is designed to support you in accessing more clarity and direction.
Time Duration: 30 minutes
Journal / Free Write for 5-10 minutes after your rest practice.
Practice this once a week for a month and notice any connective points or synchronicity that occurs from week to week and practice to practice